Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Woes of a PT going to PT

Oh the woes of a Physical Therapist going to physical therapy.  There just is something ironic about being in a profession and having to go to someone of that same profession in order to be "fixed".  I know, can't I just fix myself? As much as I'd like to say "Aw yeah, I've got this rehabilitation under control", I know that it is simply not possible. 

Everyone asks if I question or try and micromanage my own care.  Answer: nope-- I am a PT for kiddos and I trust my "sports med genius, ultra marathon rockstar" PT to the fullest.  I think that the only difference between me and "non PT patient" is that I know the crazy exercises she is going to have me do, no surprising this girl.  I like to pretend that I won't actually have to do them and that they somehow won't be applicable to me...but they are...and I have to suffer through them just like the next guy ::sad trombone::  The best part is that we get to sit and banter in PT lingo during my session like its NBD (ex: "Oh hey, my medial hamstring seems like it's adhering down and I feel like I have fluid in my popliteal fossa, kind of Baker's Cyst-y.").  Wait, what?   

Going through this therapy has put a new perspective on things and has given me a new appreciation for my patients.  I knew that PT could be painful--they teach you that stuff in school but man, this can be rough.  It stinks having the script flipped and now I'm the one banging my fist off the table while my PT is elbows deep digging into the scar tissue in my knee.  It HURTS. In fact, it hurts so much that I have to literally tell myself to keep breathing. 

With each round of quad sets, scar mobility and Russian stimulation (yes, it hurts as bad as it sounds), I know that I am one step further in my recovery.  I know what my goals are and I know that these exercises, as "simple" as they may seem, are the building blocks towards my goals.  I'm only human and some days I do need an extra shot of self motivation.  But even through the highs and lows, I know that in the end, when I'm back PR'ing in 5ks, 10ks, halfs and possibly a full that all those little steps I took so seriously had paid off.

With that being said, I challenge you to take a look at your training, fitness or nutrition.  Are you skipping the small steps? Are you solely focused on the big picture?  If so, try taking a step back and breaking down your training/nutrition.  Find the areas that are lacking (ex: core strength, flexibility, meal planning) and do the baby steps to improve on those.  Without the small pieces being in tune, the big picture will be a mess.  Challenge yourself to occasionally work on the small details, it may give you that extra umph towards your goals in the end.  Best of luck.

Yours in Health,


For information about my nutrition/fitness program or any suggestions, contact me at:
twitter: @Nik_Lovin

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Life Hands You Lemons...

Ahh--I am back, friends! It has been awhile since I have graced the blog world with my presence.  With a recent move across country, a new job, a new roommate ;), and essentially a new life, blogging got put on the back burner but no fears, I'm back!

The most recent adventure I am forced to embark on is my newly repaired knee and the long recovery associated with it.  Total bummer, I know.  I got injured in a super (not) serious softball game, MRI'd and shipped into a date with a surgeon within 4 days.  I didn't even have enough time to say "ouch" (that's a lie). 

So here I am, non-weight bearing for 4 weeks.  I went from training for a half marathon and crushing out speed workouts to training myself to do a one-legged balance act all day and being as fast as a turtle. 

If this isn't the biggest "when life gives you lemons..", then I'm not sure what is.  But I do know one thing.  I am going to take those lemons, make some lemonade, throw some vodka in it and have a freakin party.  Yes, you're right, I could use this as an excuse to wallow in self pity and cry about the situation.  But as Sweet Brown so eloquently said..."ain't nobody got time fo' that"! Sometimes you have to just put on your big girl panties, focus on something else and find a different outlet. 

As for me, I'm focusing on my nutrition since my typical fitness routine has to be put on hold.  My motivation to be healthy and fit has not changed.  The only thing that has changed is my means to achieving that.  I still do some type of physical activity each day--yes, I count crutching the 75 yards from my apartment to the pool (which I can't go in) as a workout--I am sweating and panting by the time I get there.  It counts.  I still focus on when my next race will be and bug my PT everyday when she thinks I can run again (she thought I was nuts when I asked 1 week post-op).  And I still loving sharing my workout knowledge and motivating others.  I know that the key to surviving this recovery is going to be staying positive, motivated and focusing on new little successes each day instead of perseverating on my "new" and temporary inabilities.   

Life will always have an arsenal of gigantic lemons to throw at us.  So here is the question to ask yourself...what are you going to do with your lemons?

Yours in Health,


For information about my nutrition program or any suggestions on what you want to see here, contact me at :
twitter: @Nik_Lovin

Monday, January 14, 2013

Beating the "Dreadmill"

Ah, the joys of winter--Beautiful snow falling, crisp air, bright reflection of the sun on the snow.  HA..Not for me.  It's more like Arctic winds blasting in my face, chapped lips, trucks running over slush, muscle tightness and the beautiful injury inducing black ice.  Winter time significantly limits the options of where to workout.  Summertime let's run outside, swim, bike, kayak, roller blade, whatever your little heart desires with the sun shining on your face, birds chirping and the wonders of the world playing in perfect harmony.  In the winter, not so much.  I think its safe to say that this is probably why people hibernate and pack on the "winter coat" of adipose tissue. 

Clearly not happy about having to be on the treadmill.

So, in lieu of being stuck inside with minimal workout options, I decided to create a compilation of workouts (from Runner's World, Livestrong, Exercise Blogs, Friends, etc) for the dreaded treadmill to burn some fat without burning out your interest in exercise.

Hint: The key to surviving a treadmill run is being mindful. Be mindful of how your body feels. Are your neck and shoulders tight? Are your arms relaxed? Does your stride cadence sound the same as on the pavement? Are you looking down? Take note of these things and adjust accordingly.

1. Treadmill Novice: Don't run on the treadmill often? Start with this.  Run/walk at an easy pace for 5 minutes, after 5 minutes, bump up the speed 0.5 mph for a minute, then back down to the original pace for 2 minutes.  Next round, crank up incline by 0.5% for one minute, then back down for 2 minutes.  Rinse and repeat for desired workout duration.

2. Uphill Battle: Don't have much time? Crank up the incline and start running.  Warm-up with 4% incline walking at around 3.5 mph for 5 minutes. Your heart rate with jump start and tell your body its go-time.  Once your warmed up, take the incline up to 5-10% and crank the speed to where you feel comfortable.  It doesn't need to be fast, just as long as your legs are moving, you're not holding on and you're sweating.  Run uphill for the amount of time that you have set on your incline.  (Ex: incline at 8%, run for 8 minutes).  Once the 8 minutes is up, bring it back down to the flat and walk until you catch your breath, and try it 2 more times.  You can bang this out in less than 45 minutes.

3. Alternating: This one is from my fitness junkie best friend, Nikki.  Warm-up for about 5 minutes on the flat.  Crank the incline up to the max, that's right, I said it-max.  Walk at the max incline for 5 minutes, bring it back down to the flat and run at your own pace for 5 minutes.  Try to get 3 trials of incline and 3 trials of running.  You will be done in 30 min, sweating and ready to roll on with your day. 

4. TV Breeze: If you are a TV watcher then I dare you to try this.  During the show, run at a normal easy to moderate pace.  As soon as a commercial comes on, punch up the speed for the entire duration of the commercial break.  Bring it back down to the normal easy to moderate pace for the show.  Repeat for all commercial breaks.

5. Steady Rockin: I've suggested this one before and it was a suggestion from my good friend Dan.  Start with a 5 minute-warm up then just cruise for 30 minutes walking at 4.5 mph at a 4-5% incline no holding on.  Finish it with a 5 minute-cool down.

6. Sprints: Start this one out with a walk for 2 minutes follow it with a jog at 5.0 for one minute.  After the 60 seconds, sprint at 8.0 mph for 30 seconds follow it with a jog at 5.0 for 4 minutes sprint at 8.5 for 30 seconds and so on for as long as you can survive.  End with a 5 minute cool down.

7. Feelin Bold: This workout is for if you are feeling just that..Bold.  Warm up for 5 minutes at a nice easy pace.  After that, crank up the incline to the max and just hang out and walk there for 45 minutes at 3.5-4.5 mph.  No. Holding. On.  After 10 minutes, bring it to 1.0 mph and try some walking lunges for a minute. 

8. Quick n' Sweaty: Start with a 5 minute warm-up.  From 5 minutes to 10 minutes walk at 4.0 mph at an incline of 8.0%.  From minutes 10 to 15 walk alternate 6.0 mph for 60 minutes 8.0 mph for 60 seconds at an incline of 1%.  From minutes 15 to 20 walk at 4.0 mph at an incline of 8.0%.  Cool down for 5 minutes. 

9. Caveat: Beware. This one is last for a reason.  It could kill you..or make you feel like you are dying. Warm up for 5 minutes.  After the warm-up, get ready.  Start with 3-800m repeats, pick a pace and stick with it the entire workout-choose wisely. Keep track by looking at your distance and run for a half mile.  Recover for as long as it took you to run it.  (Example: it took you 5 minutes to run it, start the clock, you have 5 minutes of rest before the next one).  Do a total of 3.  Next, 3-400's.  Same deal, keep your pace that you had for the 800s and run for .25 of a mile.  Recover for the time it took to run it, do a total of 3.  Next, 4-200s.  Run for 0.13 of a mile.  Same recovery as before, totalling 4.  Lastly, 4-100's.  Run for 0.07 of a mile.  Recover for the time you took to run it-totalling 4.  Cool down for 5 minutes.  Thank the Heavens you survived. 

Hint:  If you are treadmill training for a road race it is a good idea to always run at an incline of at least 1%.  This takes into account for wind resistance and road changes

Enjoy these workouts, adjust them to your own fitness levels and make them your own.  Let me know if you come up with some good ones of your own!  Thanks to the websites and articles for the suggestions!

Winter giving you energy issues? My secret weapon: Herbalife, Herbal Tea Concentrate Raspberry. Saves you from the mid afternoon slump and keeps you energized without being jittery and hopped on caffiene.

Yours in Health,


For information about my nutrition program or any suggestions on what you want to see here, contact me at :
twitter: @Nik_Lovin

1. Davis, Hank.  "The Caveman in the Gym". Runner's World. Feb 2013. Pages 76-79.
2. Jhung, Lisa. "Runs of the Mill". Runner's World. Feb 2013. Page 81.
3. Farley, Ashley. "Treadmill Fat Burning Workouts". March 9, 2011.  Accessed January 11, 2013.
4. McCrann, Patrick. "5 Tips for a Better Treadmill Workout".  Accessed January 11, 2013.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


The post today is about change.  Life changes, address changes, size changes, season changes, any change. 

Some of you may know that I have a MAJOR change coming up in my life.  I am packing my belongings and heading southwest to the good ol state of Texas for my dream job.  I am leaving my amazing family, best friends, boyfriend and everything that I have known and loved for the past 24 years.  This is an enormous change, a huge leap of faith and adventure. 

Change is inevitable.  In fact, its happening as we speak.  Parts of us are constantly changing by the minute and even the second.  So why are people so afraid of

Ready or not, here I come.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandhi

I will take those words, Gandhi, and flip the script.  Clearly that quote is meant for world peace, helping others, loving one another etc.  But I am going to take it in a different direction (since this is a fitness post).  I am going to be the change that I wish to see in the world--I am going to be the fitness and the healthy lifestyle that I wish to see in the world.  I am going to be the six pack that I wish to see in the world (kidding, obviously).  I try each day to lead by example and show that the changes I have made to my lifestyle are positive ones.

I welcome you to do the same, be the change.  Make your change.  Don't wait until Monday or Friday or January.  Why does there have to be a timeline of when you change, just do it.  Obviously it isn't going to be easy, if it were..everyone would do it.  What is there to be afraid of?-Failure?..that is for the "could" happen, but bust your butt to not allow it happen.  To make any change, you have to be both feet, running and cannon-balling into the water.  If you don't cannonball and you only stick a toe in, then you might take your toe out.  That's why you need to think long and hard about the change you want to make.  Do you really want to change your lifestyle for the better? Are you really going to commit? If the answer is yes, then take off running towards the water and leap.  The fall to the water may be scary but once you come up for air and realize you survived, you will be so glad you took the plunge. 

Talk about commitment!

Yours in Health,


For information about my nutrition program or any suggestions on what you want to see here, contact me at :
twitter: @Nik_Lovin

Monday, November 12, 2012

'Tis the Season

'Tis the season...

'Tis the season for spending time with family, amazing food, delicious cookies, cakes and pies, warm snuggling by a fire, hot chocolate, seasonal beers and gaining 5 pounds before New Years.

Wait, what was that last sentence? Yep, you heard me.  The holidays get a bad wrap and blamed for that extra New Years poundage.  Believe it or not, roughly 75% of annual weight gain occurs during the holidays.  Ouch.  So what can you do to prevent this statistic from happening to you?  The link above provides some amazing tips for preventing the holiday blubber.  For those who are anti-link clicking here is the breakdown:

     1.  Keep a fitness/nutrition journal: You may feel guilty writing down 4 lady locks..
     2.  Teeter totter "diet" and "exercise" aka if you want to eat the pie, ramp up that treadmill workout and burn some extra calories.
     3.  Keep a holiday calendar: Know when you are indulging in your holiday festivities so you can plan your workouts accordingly.
     4.  Eat conscientiously: Don't woof down your food like you are never going to eat again.  Chew it, savor it and allow your belly to tell your brain "wow I am full now!"
     5.  Recruit an accountability buddy..or drill Sargent, to help with keeping your program on the up and up.
     6.  Sign up for a holiday fitness competition: Create a "biggest loser" competition at work for some extra motivation.
     7.  Sign up for a holiday fitness event: My favorite! Sign up for a 5k (yes, they still exist in the winter!)
     8.  Start and end each day strong: Don't "have time" for a workout? Wake up 20 min early, bang out a mini workout and do a 10-20 min workout when you get home.  This can be done while dinner is cooking!
     9.  Celebrate with activity: Take a walk to look at lights!
     10.  Turn back the clocks: Pretend it is the good ol' days where you had no modern conveniences, hand wash dishes, ride your bike to work, cook from scratch.
     11.  Host your own party: You pick the food and drink menu therefore can choose wisely.
     12.  Bring your own dishes: Bring a side dish that is healthy, that way you know you have a healthy option at the party.
     13.   Start with soup/salad: Studies say that you eat less during a single setting when you start with a water based appetizer.
     14.  Trade holiday events for eating out: Balance out going out to eat and holiday parties.  If you have a party at night, skip going out to eat for lunch.
     15.  Only eat what you really like: You love the cookies? Awesome, eat up.  Not crazy about the pie? Skip it! Don't fall into the pressure of the pie because everyone is doing it!
     16.  Maintain your sleep schedule: Don't slack on the sleep.  No sleep = more stress, more stress= more eating, more eating= higher scale number, higher scale number = sad face :(
     17.  Watch what you drink: Tough one, I will admit.  Keep an eye on calories and don't ruin your sleep.
     18.  Give up on "perfect": Don't stress yourself out! Stress = bad..Refer to #16. 
     19.  Look for free cheap holiday options:  Again, don't stress yourself out and strap your wallets!
     20.  Dress your best: Those baggy sweaters and sweatpants can only hide so much for so long.  Don't let them disguise you until spring! Keep putting on your "feel good" clothes and make sure they fit the way you love.

Choose wisely, beautiful.

SO, now that you have some tips to survive the "holi-gain" why wait until January 1, 2013 to make the change with your habits.  Why wait until you're crying on the scale and looking at your body to commit to an exercise/nutrition routine.  Start now.  I dare you. 

I know, I know.  Start a "diet" before the holidays sounds like a set up for failure.  And it very well could be.  But starting something before the holidays will ultimately effect your outcome.  You will be consciously thinking "Should I eat that 3rd plate of mashed potatoes and gravy?", "Do I really need that 2nd piece of pie?".  The thought totally counts, but the final decision seals the deal.  Even one simple "drop the cookie" will put you a point or two up in the game! 

Now I will step off my soap box and give you the challenge--a 6 week fitness/body transformation by Christmas.  You have from tomorrow November 13, 2012 until December 25, 2012 to get your body into rockin shape and tone up before the January 1st clock strikes diet.  Be ahead of the game at the gym.  When everyone else will be starting up, you will be cruising through your already established routine (and will be way less likely to fail!)  This crazy challenge wasn't created by me, it was created by my good friend and teammate John Clifford and some of his friends. So you can thank him! Start by taking some before pictures and measurements and get it started! I will continue to post workouts that I do if you need some ideas and will keep you updated on my progress!

Good luck! And remember, every move counts!

Yours in Health,


Upcoming Races:
11/22: YMCA Pittsburgh Turkey Trot-5K

For information about my nutrition program or any suggestions on what you want to see here, contact me at :
twitter: @Nik_Lovin

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Promote What You Love

"Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate". 

Although this has no direct application to health and fitness, this quote stuck with me and made me realize the double edge sword which is social media.  It allows you to share great things such as this blog, inspiring journals, funny stories, etc..but it also opens the floodgates to all the negative Nancys.  After paroozing my news feed on Facebook I realized that people love bashing what other people are passionate about.  For example, some entries are as follows:  "so sick of seeing posts about peoples workouts!" and "I don't care that you went to the gym today, I go everyday".  Well thank you for that.  Last time I checked I wasn't holding a gun to your head saying "BE HEALTHY OR DIE! READ MY WORKOUTS OR ELSE!".  I am making the choice to promote something I love (health and fitness) instead of using my precious time and energy bashing.  There is your task, people.  Channel any pent up negativity towards something you love, whether it is working out-painting-writing, whatever..just be positive and positivity will find you. 

Now to the meat and potatoes.  This week's entry is a little different than most in the fact that I combined 2 weeks together and put the best of both weeks into one! Enjoy!

Workout #1:

Insanity. That about speaks for itself.  This was the first time I did it..and I was sore for 2 days.  It really works, people.  If you are looking for that challenging routine to try where you don't have to leave your house, this may be your ticket!  It is also nice because each day is already mapped for you, you literally only have to pop in the DVD and tie your shoes!

Workout #2:

Spinning. In my living room. Compliments of Traci D. "No Excuses (Spinning) Workout #13: The Ladder

10 minute warm-up (HR: around 60-65% by interval start time)
2 min seated acceleration; mod resistance
1 min rest (release resistance)
4 min seated acceleration; moderately heavy resistance
1 min rest
6 min seated acceleration; moderately heavy resistance
1 min rest
6 min seated acceleration; heavy resistance
1 min rest
4 min seated acceleration; heavy resistance
1 min rest
2 min standing/climbing acceleration; heavy resistance
1 min rest
5 min standing/climbing acceleration; heavy resistance
Cool down 
Holy.crap..was that intense! And to think, I did that entire workout on this dream boat..

For those of you who don't know, this is the first stationary bike ever created in the late 18th century. Be jealous.

 Hint: How to figure out target heart rate:  There are a few different formulas on how to figure out your target HR.  This one is the easiest.  Take 220- your age.  This number is your MAXIMUM heart rate. Once you have your max heart rate, then calculate whatever percent the workout says you should be at.  For example, the spinning workout above said to be around 60-65% by the start of the workout.  I take 220-24= 196 and 60%-65% of that is 118-125 beats per min.  By checking your heart rate you can see if you are actually doing some cardiovascular work.  Alot of times people just bee bop on a treadmill for a half hour and their heart rate stays at 80.  That does not count as exercise! 

Workout #3:

Frick Park trail hike. This day was a little crazier, I was late to meet mis amigas and used my tardiness as a way to work myself a little harder.  I let them have a head start on their hike and ran (more like sprinted) to catch up.  I chalked in about 2.5 miles of sprinting by the time I got to them.  We followed it up with a 5 mile hike.  The fresh air felt so great!

Workout #4:

Treadmill day.  This treadmill workout is good for a day where you don't want to kill yourself but you want to get your legs moving.  I started off at a nice jog at 6.0 mph just to warm up for 5 min. I increased the speed to 6.8 and kept it at that pace for 20 minutes then dropped the speed to 4.0 mph  and increased the incline to 4% and kept it there for the next 20 minutes.  It was a nice workout to get my blood flowing on the dreary day!

I followed this up with an ab routine. 100 yoga ball crunches, 100 side crunches (each side) and 50 push-ups (I know, I need to step up my push-up game).

Workout #5:

Race Day!  My hero squad and I participated in the Oxford Athletic Club- Freaky 5k in North Park.  It was a little chilly outside but not a bad day for a Halloween race!  My crew did GREAT! Nikki had her first race back since her foot surgery in May and she finished under 27:00!! What an amazing accomplishment and I am so proud of her! The rest of the crew did awesome as well each crossing the finish line strong! I finished 2nd in my age group with a time of 22:50, hitting my goal of sub 8 minute miles! Maybe we should run in a cape more often?

Workout #6:

Nike Training Club.  I chose to do Get Lean-Advanced-Transformer.  Once again, I do not understand how these thing kick my butt every time! I'm not mad about it! Just a reminder, this is a FREE app..who doesn't love free?! So there is no excuse not to get it and workout when you don't want to leave the house!

Workout #7:

What a beautiful day to ride a bike! Mama Bear and I took the bikes out for a nice long spin on the bike trail and what a great ride it was.  We chalked in 15.68 miles in 1:15.33.  Not bad for a days work!

Week Summary:

Surround yourself with positivity.  Surround yourself with people who support you.  Surround yourself with the people who want you to be the best YOU that you can be.  (That was a ton of 'yous').  These people are going to be the ones to go on a bike ride with you, run a race with you, challenge you to new adventures.  They will give you positive energy to feed from and you will provide the same for them.  Be positive- you will feel better mentally and physically.  And remember, every move counts.

Yours in Health,


Upcoming Races:
For those of you who want to challenge yourself and try a race or are just looking for people to run with, here are some races we have on tap for the next month. Feel free to join!
11/3: Mud on the Mountain-7 mile obstacle race 7 Springs FYI..there is 20+ inches of snow..should be interesting!
End of November: Turkey Trot TBD

For information about my nutrition program or any suggestions on what you want to see here, contact me at :
twitter: @Nik_Lovin

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Spice of Life

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  -Albert Einstein
So wise, Al. So wise.

Come on people, variety is the spice of life! You do not need to do the same mundane thing everyday.  Do your workouts consist of dragging your butt onto the treadmill and being miserable the entire time? If so, switch it up!! It will be good for your mind AND body.  And maybe you won't feel "insane", bored, unmotivated, etc.  Remember, your body is a well oiled, efficiency machine.  If you continue to do the same workouts at the same intensity, you WILL plateau and see the same results.  Take a walk on the wild side and try something (gasp) NEW!


Rest. People barely want to go to work on Monday's let alone be physical and move their bodies.  Take your least favorite day of the week and count it as your day off.  Everyone needs 'em, no shame in taking 'em.


6- minute abs.  No time? No problem. Bang this out in 6 minutes and it will count towards the six-pack jacked bank! You will be out of breath and you will be tired. I promise.
30 sec lemon squeezes (balance on your butt, extend your legs, pull them back in)

30 sec forward plank
30 sec R side plank
30 sec L side plank
30 sec bicycle
30 sec toe touch
30 sec leg lifts
30 sec R side crunch
30 sec L side crunch
30 sec forward plank
30 sec scissor kicks
30 sec lemon squeezes

Good luck! This one is tough! Feel free to make this workout your own and substitute in your favorite ab exercises.


Nike Training Club: Fast and Fierce at advanced difficulty for 45 minutes.  This gets me every time and somehow I still get sore the next day.

Hint: When doing these routines where you are jumping sideways, up, down, twisting, etc make sure you do not sacrifice your form to complete the exercises.  This is how you get injured.  If you are feeling tired and your form is getting sloppy, TAKE A BREAK! Nobody is judging, in fact, it is the smart thing to do.  Take care of your body and it will take care of you.


Treadmill day.  This specific workout was suggested by a good friend of mine Dan S. Thanks Dan!! I love/hate you for giving me this workout!

5 minute-warm up
30 minutes speed walking at 4.5 mph and 4% incline
5 minute-cool down
Totaling: 318 calories, 40:01 minutes, 2.73 miles

Now you may be thinking, "Bah, walking...easy peasy". WRONG.  This nice little fat burner was challenging and 100% worth it.  Don't believe me? Try it, I dare you.

Hint: DO NOT hold on to the rails of the treadmill while walking on an incline.  It is just a bad idea for your shoulders and wrists and by not holding on you will get a better workout.  If you have to hang on for dear life then maybe you should tone it down a notch or two so you don't get injured.  Also, by using your arms when you walk on the treadmill, you are walking like a normal human being and not Frankenstein.  Your arms will give you power and aide you in marching up the hill and your legs will be getting the workout that they signed up for. 
Keep up the great work, Rhino.  You're looking sexy!
Followed by an ab workout found on good ol' Pinterest:
Waist Trimmer (
     30 jumping jacks
     4 burpees
     2 star jumps
     40 Russian twists
     20 oblique crunches (each side)
     30 sec side plank (each side)
     40 sec plank (each side)
     20 bicycles
     30 jumping jacks
     2 burppees
     20 mountain climbers
     10 side leg lifts (each leg)
     20 Russian twists
     30 sec side plank (each side)


Not an actual cardiovascular workout, but I count working from 1:30 pm to 3:50 am standing, bartending and cleaning as a workout.  In fact, according to, the average woman who weighs around 163 lbs burns roughly 4 calories a minute standing and roughly 216 calories per hour.  The average male weighing in at 190 lbs burns roughly 4 calories per minute standing and roughly 252 calories a hour.  SO that means since I worked roughly 14 hours, majority standing, that I burned 3,024 calories. Sayyy whattt?! Now, I am taking this with a humongous grain of salt, but having an active job or a job where you stand DOES count for something!


Rest. Do you want to workout after working until 4 am the night before? I. think. not.


Dancing.  This dancing consisted of doing the "Wobble" and a few other wedding favorites which actually caused me to get a side stitch.  On a side note, if running and biking isn't your cup of workout tea, take it to the dance floor.  Look up local classes for Zumba or Hip Hop.  You will sweat and trim your waist like nobody's business.  Plus, you will probably get some sweet moves out of it !

Week Summary:

Looking back on this week, I probably did 3 days of actual serious "workouts" but I had 5 days of consciously moving my body off of the couch.  Take a glance at your daily activities and think of how you can get the most out of them.  If you are able to stand up at work at times, do it, if you can take the stairs, do it.  You do not have to be a gym psycho and spend 3 hours each day in the gym to achieve great results because honestly, who has time for that?  The more you move throughout the day is more than nothing.  Challenge your body and be kind to it and it will return the favor.  As always, every move counts. 

Yours in Health,


Upcoming Races:
For those of you who want to challenge yourself and try a race or are just looking for people to run with, here are some races we have on tap for the next month. Feel free to join!
10/27: Freaky 5k-North Park
11/3: Mud on the Mountain-7 mile obstacle race 7 Springs
End of November: Turkey Trot TBD

If you have any great workouts that kick your butt and would like to share, I would love to hear them! Send me a comment/message/email/tweet and I will try to your workout and write about it!  Looking forward to hearing some great routines!

For information about my nutrition program or any suggestions on what you want to see here, contact me at :
twitter: @Nik_Lovin